This is an inspirational example of how homebuilders incorporate solar to generate customers' feelings of Possibility, Connection, and Happiness.
Grow Community Washington Seattle is a neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, Washington in the U.S. With beautifully designed On-Grid or Hybrid solar-powered homes, shared community gardens, and clean transportation options, "Grow Community" allows all generations to enjoy a high-quality and healthy lifestyle.
Possibility: The neighborhood was designed with sustainability and healthy living as its guiding ideals, showing the way toward a positive future for the community and the planet.
Connection: The idea of this place was to make people live in a truly intergenerational community where connections are valued and relationships nourished. Taking advantage of the sun using solar systems, shared gardens, and inviting green spaces unite neighbors, uniting them with the environment.
Happiness: To change life values by experiencing a new way to enjoy the surrounding environment, simpler and more satisfying, mindful of your impact on the earth as you focus your time on those things in your life that matter most to you.
The Solar Kits based on our Integration Coefficient IC model are oriented to promote the increment of this kind of communities around the world making builders promote solar in a natural, affordable, and profitable way.
Also, many other advantages arise:
Increase Homes Sale Price and Profit: Adding Solar to homes may result in higher home-sales prices, and more using our Solar Energy Kits.
Sell Homes Faster and Easier: Solar homes sell up to 20% faster than their conventional counterparts.
Meet a Growing Demand: Customers increasingly recognize that solar offers monthly energy savings, is good for the environment, and is a wise investment decision.
Attract More Customers: Customers believe in savings when going Solar. Energy efficiency and low operating costs are the two top of the first five influences in a new-home purchase decision. Furthermore, lashing panels to roofs during construction is usually about 20% cheaper than after a house is built. And even up to 60% cheaper using our Solar Kits. So, although house prices may increase when solar-powered, the increment is much lower using our solutions in a more efficient supply chain, causing a low impact on the buyer's mortgage payments. That’s similar to how some buyers decided to pay $5,000 or $10,000 for a kitchen countertop manufactured with natural materials and would outlast a Formica-style top. Homeowners embed it into their home mortgage and when they receive the utility electricity bills they’re cash-flow positive from month one.
Welcome to the new energy model! We invite you to join our mission of integrating sustainability and efficiency through the Integration Coefficient IC Business Model.