As a perfect example of how our professional value offer can generate innovative solutions, there is nothing better than showing you our On Grid 1 kW Solar Kits packaged for RETAIL, INSTALLERS, BUILDERS, one of our several solutions offered. This kit has been designed and marketed following our Integration Coefficient IC model, which supports, one hundred percent, the management and success of our organization in energy saving and sustainability.

To do this, first, we are showing a couple of videos (one in English and the other translated into Spanish) that aim to explain in depth how our team has handled the Marketing and Manufacturing Model of the Integration Coefficient IC, which is the basis of our value proposal, to help the development, not only of this On Grid Solar Kit but also applied, with some adjustments and in a general way, to the rest of the solutions offered by our organization. You can also watch both videos on our YouTube Channel.

Secondly, we will try to condense the information given in those videos by highlighting the main ideas of the Integration Coefficient IC value proposal.
Why being the sun's energy completely free, do homeowners continue to deal with On Grid Solar installations at very high costs?
We have developed our On Grid, 1kW Solar Kit DIY Oriented and we want, through this platform, to invite you to promote these Kits in large volume in your market.

Is your business innovative?
Is your company looking for solar solutions that will grow your market reputation?
Does your company want to add something unique to the solar solutions you are promoting?
Do you need your business to increase the number of homes in your region converted into solar homes?
​As Our Value Offer based on the Integration Coefficient IC explains, we were delving into what is happening in world markets, to "adjust" our proposed solution to the client's needs. It is an important step in our process of adding value.
We found that the Return on Investment in Solar On Grid systems for consumers takes a very long time, destroying any savings possibilities and making investment in solar energy difficult to justify, and therefore, not economically attractive.

What is the profit expected by customers? What is the solution? The client only wants to save on electrical bills from the beginning and obtain the biggest return on investment in the shortest possible time, and much better if the regulatory environment helps him, lowering the fixed costs of electrical bills and maintaining subsidies, but seeking that the solution to be acquired is still attractive without depending on them, and of course, also without bureaucratic and absurd obstacles, which would constitute a highly desirable "plus".
Then, analyzing the current market supply chain, which is the second most important part of our value proposition methodology, we found that it turns out to be very complex, and convoluted, with too many actors that provide little value and rather hinder the system by adding costs, and also disabling both, companies and consumers, to solve one of the most difficult obstacles that seem to have a common denominator in the minds of all the actors, this being the fact, quite paradigmatic, that "everyone agrees” in which the current options "are what they are" and "there is nothing to do", thus building an endless cycle of setbacks towards a sustainable world.

With all this information, our organization proposes an innovative solution called Integrated Supply Chain. This translates into a very significant percentage decrease in the acquisition costs of end customers, using innovative digital ecosystems, and taking advantage of both globalization and our accumulated experience in marketing and manufacturing. This is very useful to provide an approach, a natural bridge, with maximum synergy with the market, between these international suppliers and local end customers.
That is why there is so much insistence that the solution requires innovation and the improvements are based on the new Integration Coefficient IC. Everything seems to indicate, and it is better not to tire of repeating it, that any end customer through their local distributor or installer of trust, which under this "simple" scheme, have full access to the best prices and the quality from well-known international factories; would be unable to reject an offer of Solar On Grid package for their homes with savings of up to 60% compared to the current and cumbersome supply chain. And also, with highly reliable products at an international level and a unified guarantee of the complete system.

Later, it was the turn of the factories to study how to design an On Grid Solar Kit solution that, until now, has been perceived as a simple commodity so that it could be successfully marketed in the Integrated Supply Chain that has been proposed. And again, the Integration Coefficient IC was the answer:
A Kit that is easy to buy and handle, affordable and with attractive packaging to capture the attention of the final consumer. Easily identifiable as a Kit: Everything the final consumer may need to save energy, in the same package.

Simple end-user (Do It Yourself oriented) installation instructions through minimum component costs and installation with Mounting Racks available for S-Tiles, Shingles, or metal roofs, as well as on concrete flat floors. Therefore scalable in power through simple procedures (Plug & Play), allowing customers to start saving energy with a minimum investment and then saving more soon, simply by adding more kits without complex installation procedures and within their budget, offering flexibility.

Integration of several highly recognized worldwide factories, working together for a complete solution with a Unified Guarantee.​

Then, together with the factories we establish an innovative use of digital ecosystems based on a communications mix that promotes the achievement of these kits at manufacturing prices in Asia by the target segment closest to the consumer: local installers. All this through digital communication of a disruptive nature, with messages to create awareness towards sustainability, transmission of the concept of integration in the marketing channel, promotion of innovation, experiences, feelings, and emotions associated with integrated innovative products, creation of the corporate image based on the objectives and strategies, transmission of offers, promotion of events and transmission of news as well as the exaltation of success stories by obtaining references and opinions, all of this showing the "happiness" of the users and thus be fed back, as emotional references of satisfaction, to the potential customer generation system. Below are samples of some messages on social networks that have been used in some markets as part of this communications mix.

Through the explanation of the manufacturing and marketing ideas behind the design of this Kit, it can be observed that in all the solutions offered by our organization, where the key to success is based on the Integration Coefficient IC, four strategic directions are glimpsed:
Differentiation through corporate reputation by using conceptual engineering to adapt products to the needs of the market turning solutions into feelings of satisfaction, that is, selling emotions and experiences instead of physical products, an increasing trend more rooted in modern marketing.

Better prices as a result of the integration between Asian Suppliers and the local market, as well as the innovation of the proposed solutions that allow transforming the current relationship between suppliers and customers in a synergy with a win-win orientation, thus creating a more expeditious path towards environmental sustainability.
Focus on the market segments closest to the customer or end- user that currently do not have enough power to access international providers.

Looking for environmental sustainability and financial and social benefits, based on the value offer of a continuous approach of the forces that make up the market, always in favor of the client, keeping the interest groups in perennial harmony with the actions and purposes of the project that make it possible and thus making consumers feel like honorary members of the wonderful club of those who help the planet's sustainability.
After introducing the manufacturing and marketing concept behind the design of the On Grid Solar Energy Kit, now is the time to provide important technical information about this solar technology and the details of these Kits for America and Eurasia markets.
What does solar energy connected to the grid, On-grid,
or Auto-Consumption mean?

On-grid or Grid-tied solar systems are intended to connect in parallel with an electric utility company.
Simply put, the electricity from the solar energy system is connected to the existing service panel of the building, home, or business, supplementing the power supplied by your utility company. While grid-tied solar systems use advanced technology, the principle behind how they work is simple.
During the day, solar panels convert solar energy into DC (direct current), which then flows to a grid-connected inverter or microinverter where this DC energy is converted into AC (alternating current) used by the connected load on the site.
AC electricity flows to a circuit breaker in your site's electrical service panel (please see the diagram for a typical On-grid system shown above) from where it flows to the load just as it does from your utility company.
If the AC load connected needs more electricity than the energy generated by the On-grid solar system, additional electricity is drawn from the grid or "utility". On the other hand, the excess electricity generated returns to the grid and turns the electric meter "backward", of course, only if the electric utility company allows what we will later explain as Net Metering agreements.
Using technical words: Grid-tied inverters take DC power and invert it into AC power that can be “returned” to the electric utility company's grid. The On-grid inverter must synchronize its frequency with that of the grid (e.g. 50 or 60 hertz) using a local oscillator and limit the voltage to no more than the grid voltage. A modern high-quality grid-tied inverter has a fixed unity power factor input, which means output voltage and current are perfectly aligned and its phase angle is within 1 degree of the AC grid. The inverter has a control system that will detect the current AC grid waveform and generate a voltage that matches the grid.
On-grid inverters are also designed to quickly disconnect from the grid if it is cut off or presents values ​outside the normal working operation range. This is an NEC (in the USA) or IEC (in Eurasia) requirement that ensures that, in the cases mentioned, the On-grid inverter will be turned off to prevent the energy it transfers from harming line workers who are sent to repair the power grid or to protect itself due to the appearance of dangerous voltages at its output.
How does Net Metering work?

Net metering is a billing system designed for solar installations that allows customers who generate their electricity to use it when they want, rather than when it is generated.
In On-grid solar systems, when solar panels generate more electricity than customers may need during the day, their electric meter rotates backward sending back the excess energy to the grid. The utility company credits the customer's account for the electricity generated by the solar system at a retail rate, hopefully the customer pays the utility for the electricity used.
At night, when the solar panels are not producing electricity, they can use these credits to power their load from the utility. If the customers use more electricity than they send back, the utility company bills them for the difference.
All this means that in countries where net metering is regulated, customers with On-grid solar systems installed in their homes can sell the energy produced to the utility. Since net metering is an agreement between the utility and the customers, the electricity “returned” to the utility can be compensated in several ways depending on the agreement.
Let's look at this with a simple example: If during a given month a customer consumes 1000 kilowatt hours from the grid and their On-grid solar system generates 900 kilowatt hours that are returned to the utility, they would receive a bill for only 100 kilowatt hours instead of the 1000 kilowatt hours consumed. It is the advantage of the system.
Although net metering can help customers reduce their electricity bills, the specifics of these agreements depend too much on the utilities. Then, there may be some disadvantages that must be carefully taken into account for a correct calculation of return on investment that are described as follows:
Net Metering agreements can be complicated by local policies and rules, which may vary by location as we have said before.
In some areas, surplus electricity credits may not be fully monetized, which may limit financial benefits.
Different net metering programs may have different rules, such as whether credits renew monthly, annually, or indefinitely; the value of the credits and time-of-use rates.
Another policy is a feed-in tariff, in which the producer is paid for each kilowatt hour delivered to the grid through a special rate based on a contract with the distribution grid or other electrical authority. The higher this rate is, the more difficult it is to obtain an adequate Return on Investment ROI.
Although the investment in solar On-grid is less than that of a hybrid one, all the disadvantages already explained regarding net metering are making the market turn towards the preference for hybrid solutions seeking independence from the utility. You will see that in another section of this website. Our business scheme based on the Integration Coefficient IC will help you to check for the most appropriate solution.
On Grid Central or String Inverters, Pros and Cons

Let's continue using our Integration Coefficient IC as one of its strongest points that gives us a profound differential advantage in the solar supply chain: education for maximum customer satisfaction.
The picture above shows a typical connection diagram of an On-grid solar system with central or string inverters.
Transformerless grid-connected inverters, lighter and more efficient than their counterparts with isolation transformers, are now very popular in Eurasia and the USA, as they have shown more than proving their reliability versus the concern that existed at the beginning of this trend.
That was based on the possibility of transformerless electrical systems feeding the utility network due to a lack of galvanic isolation between the DC and AC circuits, which could eventually allow the passage of dangerous DC faults that would be transmitted to the AC side. This risk has been remedied with high-frequency galvanic isolation systems that exist today, making these central inverter grid-tie systems still widely used.
In the same picture, a “matrix combination” box is also shown that is used to wire and combine parallel or series chains of photovoltaic modules, and in this way, connect solar panels in groups, without exceeding the maximum DC input voltage allowed by the Inverter. However, many grid-tied inverter models now offer the possibility of multiple photovoltaic DC input connectors which can help avoid the use of these “combiners”.
This kind of solar panel connection in series brings us to one of the most common disadvantages of this central inverter-based system: they are relatively expensive to maintain since the installation can only be monitored at the system level and not at each solar module level. Then, when finding a defective or shadowed solar module, this job becomes an arduous, time-consuming task that is usually very expensive as done by experts.
On the other hand, string inverters never reach the useful life of a photovoltaic module. This fact causes a relatively limited warranty term of 5 or 10 years for these inverters compared to the 25 or 30-year warranty for solar panels. Any return on investment calculation for this kind of solar system must consider at least one or two replacements of this expensive component, plus the labor cost involved in those processes. For this reason, you need to add more than double cost of the inverter due to its lower reliability to ROI calculations.

In previous comments, always under our Integration Coefficient IC business model, regarding Central or String Inverters, we stablish that one of the most common "cons" of this type of system was, first, that they are relatively expensive to maintain since the installation can only be monitored at the system level and not at the level of each solar module because the solar panels are connected in series, so there is additionally a great risk of high voltage right on the roof of the residence, commercial or industrial customer, due to the sum of the open circuit voltages "Voc" of the solar panels in series.
The NFPA published the 2017 edition of the NEC (National Electrical Code in the USA), and technically as of January 1st of that year, any state could adopt the new rules of the code. Thus, any solar energy contractor installing an On-Grid system had to be aware of the changes in the code. Previously, rapid shutdown requirements, according to the predecessor NEC 2014, only limited a high DC voltage for the wiring to be outside a certain perimeter around the total solar system.
Now, the 2017 NEC added details by limiting the existence of that high DC voltage right at the level of the photovoltaic module due to its proximity to the roof. While there are several ways to achieve this, only one is possible with today's commercially available technology and standards. The idea was to isolate or separate PV modules connected in series, using electronics at the level of each one of them. Inverter manufacturers have taken the lead in offering solutions to comply with NEC 2017. A central inverter must be combined with some module-level technology. This already has a name, being called “Optimizers”.
With them, the first thing that is achieved is to locate faults for each photovoltaic module, thus preventing the failure of one of them from causing a total failure of the system, but even without eliminating the disadvantage of a single point of failure at the central inverter level, a disadvantage that is solved, as explained in other publications, with the use of Microinverters instead of Central or String inverters. Secondly, it is achieved that the DC voltage "seen" by the roof is equal to that of a single module, from 30 to 60 volts depending on the power of the solar panel, eliminating the high DC voltage produced by the sum of them when connected in series to the DC input of the central inverter that is located at ground level, thus complying with NEC 2017.
On Grid Microinverters, Pros and Cons

Our organization develops and markets highly reliable grid-connected solar systems based on Microinverters from worldwide top technology companies, and with monitoring systems that offer an exceptional value proposition for solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
The Microinverter controls and then converts the DC power from each solar module (or groups of 2 or more) into clean AC power to be supplied to both the connected load and the commercial power grid.
The advantages of our On-Grid system solutions with solar Microinverters include:
Maximized energy harvest.
Improved Safety.
Longer life span and reliability.
Improved monitoring capability.
Simplified PV array design and installation as the solution have been developed as kits.
The monitoring system tracks each PV module through a robust wireless communication system or built-in WIFI, which connects to the internet through a gateway.
Therefore, Microinverters can be controlled individually. Installers and maintenance companies can even monitor systems online, down to the level of individual solar modules, from a web-enabled interface. This allows them to immediately identify the exact location of any fault and solve it quickly, a procedure, as mentioned before, that is uphill and expensive when using On-Grid systems based on central inverters.
The picture above shows the interconnection of two solar On-Grid kits of 1 kilowatt, which are added to obtain 2 kilowatts. Every solar On-Grid kit consists of two solar panels of 500 to 550 watts, a 1000-watt Microinverter, and a mounting rack for the two solar modules.
Today, Microinverters with a life expectancy of up to 25 years under real-world conditions (based on accelerated life test data from internationally recognized standards) are widely available, so they would never need to be replaced over the life of the solar panel.
A failure of any Microinverter will not bring down the entire system; it will simply reduce the power output of the total system by 1/N, where N is the number of Microinverters in your On-Grid installation; thereby eliminating the disadvantage of central inverters that, when fail, cause the total drop of the solar system (bottleneck effect).
Microinverters vs. Central or String Inverters, Power Production

Information from internationally recognized sources and honesty are the best weapons to let customers trust us.
While standard household solar inverters, known as string inverters, connect with multiple solar modules, the benefit of a microinverter is that each panel becomes electrically isolated from every other panel. This means that any fault or reduced power output because of shadows, dust, bird droppings, or damage that may impact an individual panel, has no impact on the power output of its neighboring panels.
A solar array using conventional string inverters behaves more like a society, moving as fast as the slowest panel. Microinverters celebrate individualism, and in the case of a solar array, each panel operates at the optimum, unhindered by its fellows.
According to the International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) and their publication in September 2021 (posted by the prestigious Research Gate website): “Performance Comparison of 3kW Residential Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System between Microinverter and String Inverter Topology using System Advisor Model”, they concluded that the simulation results supported the fact that microinverters outperform the traditional string inverters in both shaded and non-shaded conditions.
During their lab tests, the Micro Inverter system produced an annual energy of 4916 kWh in the first year with no shading and 4332 kWh in the first year with shading losses. Meanwhile, the String Inverter system generated an amount of energy of 4763 kWh with no shading and 4286 kWh with shading losses.
It does mean that string inverter suppliers see the glass as “Half Fool” (please let us use the term like a “joke” instead of “Full”) to give customers a piece of optimistic information, when in reality the glass is “Half Empty” compared with the results using microinverters.
This is one of our ways to help customers decide about Microinverters vs String Inverters: ON GRID 1KW SOLAR KIT PACKAGED FOR RETAIL, INSTALLERS, AND BUILDERS is duly designed and manufactured under our Integration Coefficient IC model and that is a perfect example of how our professional value offer is capable of generating innovative solutions.
On-Grid Solar Kit Solution for American Markets

You can count on the reputable Hoymiles Microinverter supplier for high-reliability home, commercial, and industrial solar On-Grid systems when sourcing our Solar On-Grid Energy Kits for American markets, having integrated great brands from Top suppliers also for Tier One solar panels and fully approved solar rack-mounting accessories to offer a complete, affordable and customized solution through our Integration Coefficient IC business model ensuring Total Customer Satisfaction while promoting worldwide Sustainability goals.
Hoymiles HS-1000-2T-NA Technical Specifications

Hoymiles DTU-Lite-S Technical Specifications

Hoymiles S-Miles Cloud Monitoring Platform

On-Grid Solar Energy Kits Hoymiles Microinverter based
Container information

Number of Kits per pallet = 3
Number of simple pallets per 40 HQ Container = 30
Number of double pallets per 40 HQ Container = 15
Number of DTU-Lite-S per 40 HQ Container = 30; one per every simple pallet of 3 kits
A Microinverter unit per every 2 solar panels include AC Trunk Cable: 12/10 AWG, 3 meters, and AC Trunk connector to connect every Kit together.

On-Grid Solar Kit Solution for Europe and
America South Cone Markets

You can count on the reputable Deye Microinverter supplier for high-reliability home, commercial, and industrial solar On-Grid systems when sourcing our Solar On-Grid Energy Kits for Europe, Asia and America South Cone markets, having integrated great brands from Top suppliers also for Tier One solar panels and fully approved solar rack-mounting accessories to offer a complete, affordable and customized solution through our Integration Coefficient IC business model ensuring Total Customer Satisfaction while promoting worldwide Sustainability goals.
Deye SUN-M100G4-EU-Q0 Technical Specifications

SOLARMAN Cloud Monitoring Platform

On-Grid Solar Energy Kits Deye Microinverter based
Container information

Number of Kits per pallet = 3
Number of simple pallets per 40 HQ Container = 30
Number of double pallets per 40 HQ Container = 15
All Deye Microinverters are WIFI built in.
A Microinverter unit per every 2 solar panels include a 3 meters 12/10 AWG AC extension cable + T-connector.

Great Quality TIER 1 Solar Panel Brands
Solar On-Grid kits include two solar panels from world-renowned brands that will be connected to the 1000W micro-inverter. They are the most prestigious TIER 1 solar panel brands in America and Eurasia. Mono-crystalline solar photovoltaic module between 500 and 555W, listed CE/TUV for Eurasia and ETL/UL for America, maximum efficiency, up to 15 years warranty depending on the supplier, and 25 to 30 years of guaranteed useful life. The solar panel brand to be shipped will depend on the stock at the moment of the order. Major solar panel brands for these kits include Aurora, Jinko, Longi, Trina, GCL, JA, Canadian, Rise, Talensun, East Lux, and others.

Solar Rack Mounting
Solar On-Grid kits include a Solar Racks Mounting accessories kit for tile, metal, or asphalt (shingles) roofs. There is one set of racks for every 2 pieces of solar photovoltaic module combined with the 1000W microinverter. There is also the option for mounting racks on a flat cement ceiling. Vertical and horizontal configurations for rack mounting sets are both available when ordering. The racks are fully approved CE or UL depending on the shipping destination. The most important thing is that the factories granted greater flexibility in the orders to organize containers with different mounting racks according to the needs of the client's market.
Vertical Solar Rack Mounting Options

Horizontal Solar Rack Mounting Options

The minimum purchase order (MOQ) is a 40 HQ container containing 30 kits of 1kW, in pallets of 3 kits each, which gives a total of 15 double pallets or 30 single pallets.
If the average power per home is, for example, 3kW, it is obtained that a 40HQ container provides complete On-Grid systems for 30 homes. If local installers can install, let's say, 3 houses per month, they could install 30 Kits in 10 months of work per year, so a group of 10 installers can "spend" one container per month with great savings versus current market prices and with products internationally recognized.
As a courtesy, minimum orders per company are offered for samples of 3 kits (1 pallet), for S-tile roofs, approximately 2cbm, 220kg, via consolidated cargo.
The kits' packaging fully identifies the components and brands shipped. The lettering of the package is offered in Spanish and English.