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THE SHORTCUT TRAP There is a common tendency to use familiar tools to solve new problems. Maslow gracefully defined this attitude (also known as the Einstellung, German word) as the Law of the Instrument: "If the only tool we have is a hammer, it's tempting to see every problem as a nail." And he gave it its popular name: Maslow's Hammer Bias or the Golden Hammer . This bias makes us repeat the same way of solving problems, without letting us see that other ways may be more appropriate to each new situation. This is called the shortcut trap. And this shortcut is always full of nails avoiding success. Maslow’s Hammer Bias is a cognitive “predisposition” that we must be aware of and, like all biases, it is always an unconscious shortcut to answering. We tend to solve a problem or situation with the tool that is easier to handle, the one that is familiar to us, the one that we have mastered, and which makes us comfortable or trusting without feeling uncertainty. But a hammer isn't the best tool when all you need are pliers . Our proven experience is not always the most adequate for dealing with new situations. Tied to the same tool or way of doing things, we cannot consider other more expedited and safer or successful options. There are many examples of this bias in our field and let's talk about some of them here: Hybrid Solar kits Single and 3phase built with standard GEL or AGM battery banks, when LIFEPO4 batteries now provide 15 times longer useful life, are fully recyclable, and take up much less space. Power Quality Consultants still focus on high-tech UPS solutions for short backup times, but do not take into account that they still use the grid or diesel generators as the main AC power for their loads, which leads to more CO2 emissions , and being subject, which is even worse, to high and extreme variations in electricity costs from utilities. These issues do not allow customers to be aware that using Hybrid Solar kits Single and 3phase can offer the same level of energy protection, during the entire working time of the connected loads (not just minutes) and minimize, at a high level, the use of the expensive grid utility and making the consumed $/W cost constant over time and even lower than the current one when you can also sell the solar energy produced to utilities via net-metering agreements when not fully used by the connected load or when the batteries are fully charged. Taking advantage of our extensive solar and power quality expertise and also our innovative manufacturing and marketing method called Integration Coefficient IC will help companies avoid this dangerous Hammer bias, among others. Transform How You Work. Join us to receive actionable Integration Coefficient IC insights for real-world challenges and to share our best solutions .
A lot of people are still afraid of the "consequences" of any decision about living Off the Grid. Of course, living Off the Grid will make people "think" differently about the current kind of "irresponsible" way of using energy resources to have "comfort" and start getting it from the really important things. Technology is changing the meaning of living Off the Grid, so, it does not mean that living Off the Grid is the same as "Living without Money" as many people think. Current solar technology as hybrid solar kits single and 3phase offers many ways to keep a big grade of comfort without living like a caveman . One of the beauties of renewable solar energy technology is that we can be closer to nature while still being connected to the rest of the world, and with technology that makes our lives better. One of the pleasures of living Off the Grid is the intimacy with the weather; if the sun is shining it is filling up the batteries, if the rain is pouring down it is filling up the water tank and watering the garden, if the wind is blowing it is turning the windmills many of us use to supplement their supply of electricity. Living Off the Grid and maximizing your hybrid solar kits investment means that we are well acquainted with exactly how much power a light bulb or a computer uses; how much water we guzzle up on unnecessarily long showers during a dry summer; and how much effort it takes to warm a winter house with firewood, or grow food for a family. It is impossible to deny the size of our carbon footprint , and when the house abruptly plunges into the blackness in the middle of a particularly gripping TV program, the batteries emptied, the value of consistently turning off all unnecessary lights is gently reinforced. The benefit of a hybrid solar kit single and 3phase is that you will always have power in any situation: With a backup battery, the excess energy that your solar panels create (but your home does not use), will be stored in this battery, if any of it is left over you can sell it to the utility via net metering . Then, when the sun is not shining, this battery will provide you power during the night, system blackouts, or undesirable events product of inclement weather. If any of it is left over you can also use it to generate AC power to the utility. Furthermore, with hybrid solar kits, if you were to use up your battery power capacity, you still could draw power from the electrical grid . Harness the power and value of our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing model by subscribing .
EPC ALERT: SOLAR FARMS STUDIES TENDENCY Concerning energy generation, the global society has to urgently address three factors that are now critical: Sustainability in terms of climate change . Security versus the wars currently occurring in many places with consequences that are being felt around the globe and the steep incline of fossil-fuel-based energy costs. Around the world, large-scale solar farms are being constructed with tracking systems to improve the efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) modules. The literature is now full of articles comparing energy generation of Tracking vs fixed solar rack mounting for PV modules. These articles include up to 20 years of datasets comparing worldwide locations differing in latitude, sky clarity, and ambient temperature. Despite all the variables mentioned above It was demonstrated that a fixed-slope solar system facing the equator provides a healthy energy receipt that is a high fraction of the energy receipt of a tracking system, meanwhile, the cost difference using both methods is very significant favoring fixed installations and making tracking systems harder to justify . Analysis was also carried out for PV facilities that have hosted larger solar farms to conclude that regardless of location, using bi-facial solar panels provides more benefits than using tracking systems and with a lower failure rate mainly because of the eventual mechanical issues of the motor-based tracking systems and, when sun tracking is doing manually the labor costs incidence is even higher. In our organization when using our manufacturing and marketing method named Integration Coefficient IC , we are in tune with all these tendencies to provide the most updated and economically better-justified technologies as the proper solutions for customers. The Future is Integrated. Stay Connected! Subscribe for exclusive content, tips, and solutions to keep you ahead.
AVOIDING CONFLICTS FROM AN INEFFICIENT SUPPLY CHAIN If you or your company want to avoid these problems: Lack of motivation on the part of the supplier. It does mean the supplier does not quite believe in your business status or you as a customer with special needs. The supplier is unable, reluctant, or deaf about making the product according to your quality standards and needs. Uncontrolled production costs and the supplier pushing to raise prices. Longer delivery times. The supplier does not solve the problems found in the quality inspection or any failure found while using products or solutions. Your production order is made by a company or even between several companies working together you don’t know. This case is frequent when buying a solution that includes several factories that are not integrated themselves. A complete solution always entails the interconnection of different companies or components . Eventually, any of these components may fail, and what is commonly done is to establish different warranty contracts with multiple suppliers , with minimal legal protections for the customer. This has been one of the main problems detected in our worldwide markets analysis that causes serious inefficiency in the supply chain. In the event of a failure, manufacturers tend not to be responsible for it, claiming that it could have been caused by the connection of their equipment with other components over which they have no control. In addition, the client has to assume the cumbersome process of interacting with each provider that makes up their solution. This leads to his utter frustration and longer ROI. Our organization is in control through our innovative Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing process . For this reason, we offer our Unified Guarantee where all the original suppliers, separately, provide guarantees handled by us and based on the total solution, preventing the client from everything described above. In this way, you will be experiencing the power of our Unified Guarantee. We'll continue to share insightful posts about the Integration Coefficient IC , and how we approach manufacturing challenges with innovative vision. You only need to subscribe to keep you posted.
The world is currently facing serious environmental challenges . The unsustainable use of natural resources impacts the environment affecting basic ecosystem services such as food supply, water, and nutrient cycling, then taking a huge amount of investments to create a decent life for the growing population in developing (and even developed) economies. Development pathways can be sustainable or business-oriented as usual, both always with conflicting goals . It is necessary to take care of today's people and future generations by following the path of sustainable development. Fortunately, this challenge can be solved with fewer environmental impacts , a fair distribution of benefits among people locally and globally and also saving resources for future generations. Tools like technologies, commitments, digital transformation, globalization, and everything else are available to achieve an environmentally sustainable world. What is missing? Our movement called the Integration Coefficient IC brings international factories closer to end customers emulating the innovative Collaborative Economy business tendencies , minimizing costs, and making supply chains more efficient. The innovation consists of helping this approach even more and achieving an expedited solution to the disastrous consequences of climate change as well as to the high electrical bill costs causing large money losses produced by the blackouts or disturbances in the electrical supply , incurred by the customers. It activates us to have the ability to help achieve the minimization of these costs by directly involving international manufacturers in the said initiative . Social and business benefits and promoting an environmentally sustainable world must no longer be divorced. Business's social responsibility together with the digital transformation and our extensive accumulated experience , is already allowing it. With this wonderful initiative, we are naturally and spontaneously creating a VIP (still exclusive) Sustainability Club but fighting to be the ONE where we all will belong since everyone has the right to a sustainable future. Never Miss a Beat. Stay informed on the latest trends in integration and sustainability. Sign up for updates!
As our best Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023 message, let's highlight that with our Marketing and Manufacturing model based on the Integration Coefficient IC , our Customers get Peace and Tranquility without altering the manufacturing costs of the final solutions offered and with a high Differentiation versus the competition for the very attractive benefits and experiences provided to consumers . Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the client, the market, and the supply chain , our organization has developed several UNIQUE and DISRUPTIVE SOLUTIONS that we hope you will enjoy fully during the next years. These are our best wishes. Our idea is not just to act as suppliers trying to "sell" similar products, perhaps at better prices and competing in the market, but without adding valu e—quite the opposite. We apply the great accumulated experience of our organization , together with that of the international suppliers that we have cultivated for more than 30 years, to integrate several of them into a unique project without neglecting the main actor: The End Client . The Integration Coefficient IC is a way of adding value that allows the creation of an Integrated Supply Chain that translates into a significant reduction in costs at the end consumer level and adapted to the needs of the client and the market of a disruptive nature , to create awareness towards sustainability , integration and innovation in the supply chain and to share experiences based in feelings and emotions . All of the above are associated with the products or integrated solutions that are acquired by the consumers. All this is achieved with a Unified Guarantee . Thus, the logistics processes turn out to be very simple when it comes to complying with the guarantees, both locally and internationally. All of the above allows us to offer an irresistible business proposal that manages to transform the current relationship between suppliers and customers, where the latter is the one with the least power in the supply chain; in a synergy between the marketing channels and the end customer , with a win-win orientation, thus creating a more expeditious endless cycle path towards environmental sustainability . Be Part of the Revolution. Join our growing community of innovators embracing the IC model. Subscribe now!
ANOTHER REASON TO TRUST US WHY TRUST US? More than 30 years of experience as a group. It is so easy to say, but these are many years of successes, also of "some" failures, from which we have learned even more. Like the famous quote from Michael Jordan: “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And this is why I succeed”. This long journey exemplifies our perseverance, continuity, dedication, permanence, tenacity, and constant reinvention through our innovative and disruptive Integration Coefficient IC business model development, adapting ourselves to the inevitable changes in markets and technology. We have made strong contacts with more than 250 factories internationally, who have manufactured products related to our proposed solutions . We have developed with those factories many strict OEM and ODM agreements resulting in continuous adaptation and improvement of products and solutions according to different markets and clients' specific needs. We can lead projects working with the factories , which are all ears to our requirements with extreme confidence. We have achieved that special "passport" that allows us to break the ice related to corporate and cultural differences while many others have tried to overcome them without success . All of these have allowed us to group or integrate different factories , towards customers or market needs-oriented solutions that involve the combination and interconnection of state-of-the-art technologies from different top entities, making them work together and in unison, offering to the end customer a complete solution, with a unified guarantee and under our total guidance and leadership . Please Get in Touch and subscribe to get more information.
BASED ON THE INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC With all the information obtained from the market studies , our organization proposes innovative solutions based on a new Integrated Supply Chain , through our Integration Coefficient IC . This new commercialization chain translates into a broad significant percentage decrease in the acquisition costs of end customers , through an innovative use of digital ecosystems, and taking advantage of both, globalization and our accumulated experience in marketing and manufacturing. This is very useful to provide an approach, a natural bridge, with maximum synergy with the market, between these international suppliers and local end customers. That is why there is so much insistence that the solution requires innovation and the improvements are based on the new Integration Coefficient IC . Everything seems to indicate, and it is better not to tire of repeating it, that any end customer through their local distributor or installer of trust, which under this "simple" scheme, has full access to the best prices and the quality from well-known international factories; would be unable to reject a solution offer with savings up to 60% compared to the current and cumbersome supply chain. And also, with highly reliable products at an international level and with a unified guarantee of the complete system. End customers will be like this baby in the picture, who was before unable to see because having sight problems and that suddenly can see everything very clearly, showing itself Amazed, Surprised, and Pleased with our value offer that emulates the result of its new glasses (our Integration Coefficient IC business model ) that let you discover how a real synergy between suppliers and customers with a win-win orientation is completely possible same as the new Collaborative Economy business tendencies . Please subscribe to our website to let you feel all these emotions with our services and consultancies. You will not have any regrets.
For extraordinary results we cannot be ordinary . We have to do things that others are not doing. It is impossible to get the innovative and disruptive results we seek if we do exactly what everyone else is doing. When, with intention, you seek just to set the strongest differential competitive advantages in the market, you automatically step out of the ordinary and the chances of having extraordinary results are much higher. As Michelangelo said about David's sculpture: "How can I make a sculpture? Simply removing from the block of marble everything that is not necessary"… "I saw the David in the marble and carved it until I set it free"… "Each block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it". The currently very inefficient supply chain has become a huge block of marble that "hides" what is really needed for the end user. The companies insist on "imposing" products from suppliers instead of "proposing" solutions that generate happiness and therefore hardening the stone even more, making it very difficult to carve. Both suppliers and the supply chain seem to be deaf to messages from customer dissatisfaction. Nothing as simple as doing an exhaustive analysis of the client's needs to set “David” free, by only answering basic questions: What does the client think and feel? What does the customer see? What does the customer hear? What does the customer say and do? What is the main customer pain? What is the profit or benefit expected by the customer? If you want to launch a change like the one proposed with our marketing and manufacturing method based on the Integration Coefficient IC , you shouldn't trust that everyone will like it. What's more, if it doesn't make certain groups uncomfortable, the idea may not be so attractive. In addition, freedom and innovation are achieved when the work is enjoyed and when it has a purpose; if you work only for recognition and egomania, you will never be able to be creative or authentic and it will be impossible to discover David inside the marble stone. Therefore, to be the most competitive, what is needed is to try to be the best in generating decentralized solutions together with the empowerment of communities and in an overwhelming way and without any hesitation while driving your business in this long and with many obstacles way guided by the Integration Coefficient IC . That is, business benefit combined with improvement of human well-being. Are you ready to be extraordinary and connect with us? We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about applying the Integration Coefficient IC mode l in your field. Reach out here.
We cannot speak of the modern toilet until 1597, when John Harington, inventor of the toilet, wrote an article describing the operation of a valve water closet. With this new ingenuity of his invention, he wanted to present it to Queen Elizabeth I of England, who according to her biographers had a very delicate sense of smell. However, it is not until 1857 that Joseph Gayetty invents modern toilet paper. Initially, it was marketed in a package format instead of a roll and it was usual that, to help some intestinal complications, the paper was impregnated with Aloe Vera. It was in 1879 when the British businessman Walter Alcock (1871-1947), in London, introduced an important novelty: instead of selling toilet paper in individual sheets, he invented the roll of sheets to tear off, separating each portion by perforated dots. That is almost three centuries after the first modern toilet. This history lets us ask how the human brain can understand incredibly complex and intricate concepts but frequently (and perhaps too much), it is still incapable of recognizing the obvious, the simple causing The Delay of Obvious Ideas. And when we talk about solar panels for domestic uses, silicon cells, similar to the current ones, were developed in 1954 at Bells Laboratories. However, it was in 1970 that they began to be used on roofs . The initial costs are unmentionable today (thousands or hundreds of dollars per watt), but solar technology has improved its efficiency ostensibly over time and its massification has allowed today's prices. But why is it still so difficult to justify the investment in solar systems? Our manufacturing and marketing model: Integration Coefficient IC , allowed, until almost the end of 2015 (60 years later) , the commercialization of Do It Yourself oriented solar On Grid kits that can be purchased by homeowners with substantial savings compared to the current supply chain , with a unified guarantee , top-of-the-line international equipment and great satisfaction . The kit concept, seen today, looks very simple and obvious but resilience is still an issue in the current market. Help us get over it . Curious to Learn More? Our experts are here to discuss how the Integration Coefficient IC model can empower your business or institution.
AVOIDING THE BOTTLENECK EFFECT FOR MAXIMUM RELIABILITY Our organization develops and markets highly reliable grid-connected solar kits based on Microinverters with monitoring systems that offer an exceptional value proposition for On-Grid solar photovoltaic (PV) installations from top technology companies worldwide. The Microinverter controls and then converts the DC power from each solar module (or groups of 2 or more) into clean AC power to be supplied to both the connected load and the commercial power grid. Let's summarize the On Grid Microinverters, Pros, and Cons: Maximized energy harvest. Improved Safety. Longer life span and reliability. Improved monitoring capability. Simplified PV array design and installation as the solution have been developed as kits. The monitoring system tracks each PV module through a robust wireless communication system or built-in WIFI, which connects to the internet through a gateway. Therefore, Microinverters can be controlled individually. Installers and maintenance companies can even monitor systems online, down to the level of individual solar modules, from a web-enabled interface. This allows them to immediately identify the exact location of any fault and solve it quickly, a procedure, as mentioned before, that is uphill and expensive when using On-Grid systems based on central or string inverters. The picture shows the interconnection of two solar On-Grid solar kits of 1 kilowatt , which are connected in parallel to obtain 2 kilowatts. Every solar On-Grid kit consists of two solar panels of 500 to 550 watts, a 1000-watt Microinverter, and a mounting rack for roofs or floors for the two solar PV modules. Today, Microinverters with a life expectancy of up to 25 years under real-world conditions (based on accelerated life test data from internationally recognized standards) are widely available, so they would never need to be replaced over the life of the solar panel. A failure of any Microinverter will not bring down the entire system; it will simply reduce the power output of the total system by 1/N, where N is the number of Microinverters in your On-Grid installation; thereby eliminating the disadvantage of central inverters that, when fail, cause the total drop of the solar system (bottleneck effect). Do you see any Cons? If so, please Contact Us to let the Integration Coefficient IC via its educational program to delve deeper about it.
Companies, in general, are taking a long time to realize that the "comfort" they feel in having power over the consumer within the supply chain , and that they also consider advantageous for their purposes, is turning into a destructive avalanche against their benefits . The world has changed , and we can be in tune with those changes by Raising the Bar in our Business Communications . We cannot continue using the basic business language that consists of very common words such as Brand, Prices, Models, Certifications, Quality (which matter less and less), MOQ, MOA, Delivery time, Shipping costs, Terms, Stock, and Brochure . Increasingly and much more frequently than they imagine, clients are subjected to the stress of trying to solve their consumption or project needs, based only on numerical, physical, untouchable aspects , with zero options (take it or leave it), with many warranty problems , shipping or logistics mistakes and above all trust . According to Gladly's study, 84% of customers are willing to switch to a competitor after three bad experiences and 17% after just one. That is why it is now imperative to start from the basis that customers need to know more about solutions instead of products themselves , innovations , services, and success references . They need to make suppliers understand that their frustration at their lack of power in an increasingly diversified and competitive market , has made them change, almost by push, their buying habits. Now they want the power to choose and enjoy experiences and emotions according to their expectations and interests. That is why companies that do not take the train that leads them to raise the bar regarding an updated language in their communications with their clients, will be devastated by those that now use a new communication language based on processes such as: organizing service protocols in digital or omnichannel marketing strategies, or manufacturing and market processes like our Integration Coefficient IC , among others; optimizing customer service processes, improving waiting times when assigning agents to resolve critical situations and collecting valuable information from customers , which allows offering accurate solutions aimed at satisfying demands and, at the same time, generating feelings, emotions, and happiness . Ready to Transform? The Integration Coefficient IC business model could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for. Contact Us today to find out how!