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    LIONS AND GAZELLES AND THE INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC An African proverb says: "Every morning, in Africa, a gazelle wakes up; she knows that she must outrun the fastest lion, or she will die. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up; he knows that he must outrun the slowest gazelle, or he will starve. Every morning when the sun rises, and it doesn't matter if you are a lion or a gazelle, you better start running" . Every day we have to wake up and start “running” but, for us, it is better to say start "creating". Until now, "running" feeds competitiveness, which is defined as the ability to compete. The challenge that companies think they face nowadays is to increase that ability at a faster rate than their competitors, otherwise they would perish. But, for there, to be the "best" requires recognition or the existence of a judge who decides who holds that title: the client, increasingly weaker in the supply chain . That's why we're concerned that many competitors work to be recognized for something instead of becoming a resource to the customer. For us, it is The Dichotomy of Competitiveness . It's like being the one-eyed man in the country of the blind. If you work only for recognition you can never be creative or authentic, no matter how many mornings the sun rises in Africa. Therefore, to be the utmost competitive, what it would take is to try and surpass ourselves continuously, in being able to generate decentralized solutions together with the empowerment of the communities . That is, business benefits combined with improvement of human well-being. That is why we believe that the expression "being more competitive" must be replaced with words and actions that constitute better survival and profitability strategies. Words such as: " cooperation ", or being able to coexist with other companies in competition scenarios together with loyal collaboration that reinforces the value of the sector instead of diminishing it; " focus on value instead of costs ", that is, of course, putting together a good cost team is necessary, but as long as this adds value and benefits to the final consumer; and " creativity ": which is nothing more than giving free rein to the imagination and reinventing ourselves, is being able to generate new ideas or concepts or new associations between known technologies and concepts , which usually produce original and disruptive solutions. And yes, it is exactly the same as our Integration Coefficient IC business model motto, where creating customer satisfaction and sustainability is the main goal instead of “running” to be the best, just competing, and then leaving those main goals fully forgotten. Welcome to know more about our proposal value by subscribing to our website .


    DAVID AND GOLIATH'S HISTORY APPLIED TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION A giant towers over a smaller, weaker opponent. It's a dramatic mismatch, where the smaller opponent faces a seemingly inevitable beating. This is the notorious image depicted in the classic David and Goliath story. But this story ends with an unexpected victory. David uses his slingshot and clever keep-distance strategy to do the impossible and take down his much stronger opponent. In business, David doesn't need to kill Goliath. Most markets have plenty of room for multiple players. However, embracing David's solution on his terms, staying agile , and duplicating his experience can yield a huge advantage. David's victory depended on throwing carefully aimed stones that hit Goliath from a distance. It was because a high level of skill targeted in precisely the right direction. This is alm ost a perfect metaphor for developing solutions and creating profitable niches when one is up against larger competitors . And here comes the relation between the Ockham Razor and Integration Coefficient IC . Prioritize the simple . We think that the complex is more credible. Ockham's Razor comes to deny it. It is a shortcut to making better decisions. The razor part refers to the ability of this mental model to "shave" possible less probable alternatives. It helps us not to fall into paralysis by analysis , by having a criterion that eliminates many of the choices. Then according to Ockham: Don't fight on Goliath's terms . If David had engaged in close-range combat (presumably like any other failed challenger), we would never have heard of him; instead, he used a slingshot. In business terms, this means challenging the giants' products and current inefficient business models to gain an advantage . Rethinking the "duties" of the industry is essential to pave the way to an unexpected victory. The solution is simple and avoids complexity. However, the implementation required David to redouble his rock-throwing skills with his slingshot. There is a concept that describes one of the biggest advantages small businesses have , the Japanese phrase "Genchi Genbutsu" or "go and see for yourself." The idea is that those with first-hand experience are better equipped to make decisions or create. Our Integration Coefficient IC process coincides with what Albert Einstein said once: “Removing things is usually more powerful than adding, up to a point. But we can't be too clever. There is a balance between how simple things can be done and how complex the implementation has to be , which should be respected” . What could be simpler and more powerful than basing your solutions on the Customer's needs and getting the factories together to help simplify the supply chain so that these solutions are easily affordable to the end customer? Let’s Connect! We’d love to share your thoughts and ideas about applying the Integration Coefficient IC in your business. Reach out here .


    INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC IS THE MAIN TOOL TO GUARANTEE SUCCESS WHEN USING OUR SOLUTIONS Today’s message is based on three famous quotes from Bill Gates: The first one is: “ A bad strategy will fail no matter how good your information is, and lame execution will stymie a good strategy. If you do enough things poorly, you will go out of business. The takeaway: How you gather, manage, and utilize information will determine whether you succeed or fail at business ”. The second: " Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. The takeaway: Even if you think your product is flawless, it’s the general public that will ultimately use it – so, if buyers feel that something could do with improving, then listen” . The conclusion is simple. If the solutions or products that companies are proposing are not designed from the results of a deep marketing and supply chain analysis , failing will be the best horizon to expect. The Integration Coefficient IC process is the main tool we use to guarantee success when using our proposed solutions . It takes into account all the variables shown in the post to provide our innovative solutions in solar , LED lighting , power quality , batteries , and Telecom electrical backup . Then our strategy to provide maximum satisfaction to customers rests on the following items: Differentiation through corporate reputation by using conceptual engineering to adapt our solutions to the specific needs of the market and turning them into satisfaction feelings . Better prices by the integration of our best International Suppliers with the local market, by focusing on the market segments closest to the end user that currently do not have enough power to access international providers then adopting the last tendencies of collaborative economy. Innovation on the proposed solutions allows the transformation of the current relationship between suppliers and customers, in a synergy with a win-win orientation, thus creating a more expeditious path towards environmental sustainability . Then, we can add the third quote : “ People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn’t they? The takeaway: Ignorance and uncertainty over something new will always be present. However, regardless of what the masses may think, exploring the unknown always stokes innovation. Don’t fear of trying to do something unconventional” . Transform How You Work. Join our blog to receive actionable Integration Coefficient IC insights for real-world challenges .


    As explained before, the name hybrid for battery-based solar systems comes first from the fact that the connected AC load draws energy in a shared way from the grid, the solar panels, and the battery bank. Second, batteries can be charged both, AC energy from the utility and converted to DC by the hybrid inverter, as well as from solar panels. Finally, the inverter is capable of returning AC energy to the grid in On-Grid mode which was obtained from both the battery bank and the solar panels, through net-metering agreements. All these processes can be carried out tailored to the user's needs, depending on how the system's operation is programmed or set. That is why there is often talk of a con of hybrid solar systems that would be based on the idea that their operation could be very cumbersome. But, are solar hybrid systems confused to handle? It is said that when an On-Grid solar system is installed, little attention and maintenance are needed, which is not necessarily true. However, due to the more complicated technology than On-Grid involved in a hybrid system, a certain significant amount of knowledge is needed to ensure that everything runs smoothly, or rather, to get the most out of the system, which involves two completely different objectives since it is obvious that operation could be achieved with minimal failures that do not necessarily lead to maximum savings. For example, settings for how the hybrid inverter, battery, and grid coordinate may need to be checked and adjusted, and while there is minimal maintenance for the solar panels and inverter of a hybrid system, it may need to monitor the battery as environmental elements can further wear down its useful life. The electricity tariff scales per day, per hour, per week, and even per climatic season imposed by utility companies should also be known in depth. It is fortunate that hybrid solar systems already provide battery banks with protection against extreme temperatures as well as IP65 or IP66-rated enclosures. Likewise, they also offer sophisticated interfaces for monitoring and establishing key operating parameters in real-time, in addition to a range of alarms to alert the user when the parameters settings should be readjusted for maximum performance and also have very explicit reports of energy consumed, energy sent back to the grid, lists of faults or alarms, all of them via WIFI or online. The possible detractors of these systems who argue how confusing it is to manage them, do not seem to understand that the search for sustainability implies maximum human-machine integration, a commitment by everyone to the environment, and knowing how to help the system work at their best in order to get its maximum performance. And this is not a disadvantage at all. Let’s Keep the Momentum Going! Stay in the loop with our latest Integration Coefficient IC solutions . Subscribe today!


    INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC HELPS YOU TO BE AWARE OF THE BEST AND MAIN FEATURES Voltage protectors are devices designed to protect electrical and electronic equipment, such as refrigeration appliances, from voltage variations that may cause extreme damage. Here is a summary of all the protections and features that the best protector devices should offer as a Voltage Protectors Selection Guide : High-energy surge suppressors : These devices protect against spikes, first by absorbing a significant portion of the energy contained in this over-voltage and, second, by diverting to ground the excess energy that exceeds a safe threshold. Please be sure to look for the most technologically up-to-date ones, which use both, normal mode (Phase-Neutral) and common mode (Phase-Ground, Neutral-Ground) protections being the varistor the most commonly used and trustworthy high-energy surge absorber. Protection against High and Low Voltages: The best protectors also disconnect the critical load protected against voltage increases and decreases according to the safe working regions described by the CBEMA curve which is a graphic representation that shows the voltage variations that electronic and refrigeration equipment can tolerate without failing. Shoemaker to his shoes: It is important to note that the protector to be chosen must be specially designed for the load to be protected. Refrigeration equipment accepts rapid voltage variations and even in a greater voltage range due to the inertial effect of its compression motor since it must be avoided that they could be turned off by faster variations that do not affect them. At the same time, electronic loads need protectors with a faster response time and a reduced range of voltage variations. In short, don't believe all-purpose surge protector offers . Micro-controller and SMD-based circuit boards are mandatory. LED Status Indicators: The best voltage and surge protectors for appliances have LED indicators for voltage status and whether or not the connected load is being protected or is in re-connection waiting time mode. Look for ones that offer ALL the visual information you need regarding their operation modes. Delay Time: After disconnecting the load due to an extreme voltage variation, the best surge protectors offer a re-connection delay circuit before reconnecting the load, allowing the voltage to stabilize. Again, stick to your guns. A standby time is not the same for protecting refrigeration loads as it is for protecting electronic loads. Warranties: The warranty offered by your supplier must include the exchange of your unit for a new one for at least one year. However, please note that the warranty is voided if a protector is damaged by the explosion of a varistor by peaks exceeding the typical limits ( 150 to 180 Joules per mode for the best providers ). On-Off Master Switch: Essential to handle electrical connections with maximum safety. Space saving: Look for protectors that, when connected to the electrical outlet, leave exposed any other outlet that the “outlet box” might offer. Let’s Build a Better Future Together . We’re here to guide you through our Integration Coefficient IC approach. Contact Us and let’s discuss!


    INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC APPLIED TO ON-GRID 1KW SOLAR KITS I Cannot Get No Satisfaction : This song by the Rolling Stones is perfect to describe the feelings of dissatisfaction of on-grid solar system users today as well as confusion, doubts, low return on investment, and guarantees that are difficult to apply or claim, among others . Why do homeowners continue to deal with costly on-grid solar installations with solar energy being completely free? It was concluded that selling solar products as "commodities" would not get us anywhere since there would not be a clear differentiation with competitive advantages . We also concluded that it was necessary to get the channels to direct their efforts toward offering solar solutions that could grow the prestige of their businesses; that could add something unique to the current solutions that they are offering now; that could reach a significant number of homes in each region to turn them into anti-pollution centers helping SUSTAINABILITY and also adding the possibility of interacting with one another in mutual satisfaction. Volume-oriented business with INNOVATION AND INTELLIGENCE applying the accumulated experience of our organization and that of the international suppliers we have cultivated for over 30 years, integrating several of them into a single project without neglecting the main actor: The End Client . This approach could "recover" its power in the market against other forces with a win-win relationship and synergy which turns the " contact us to join to the kit culture ” into an innovative “ Integrated Supply Chain solution ” that translates into a significant percentage reduction in acquisition costs of end customers, with a UNIFIED GUARANTEE since the solution is generally pre-assembled and pre-tested from the factory integration unit. With our approach, SATISFACTION is guaranteed. Please Contact Us to start belonging to our list of satisfied customers and/or installers .


    THE INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO STRAIGHTEN WHAT IS UPSIDE DOWN IN THE MARKET Taking into account the disadvantageous situation of customers in the current supply chain , we have designed our Integrated Supply Chain scheme to ensure that any end customer through their local distributor or trusted installer, is unable to turn down an offer for our solutions, with savings of up to 60% over today's cumbersome supply chain, having full access to the best prices from well-known international factories with internationally highly reliable products, and with a unified guarantee. So, when asking ourselves again about O ur Irresistible Solutions Proposal that the client could never reject , we can answer without hesitation: The Integration Coefficient IC which has been designed to straighten what is upside down in the current market: It is a way of adding value , which has (internal) costs, but fortunately, they are fully transparent to the end consumer. Proposes an innovative marketing scheme that minimizes transportation costs internationally (less fuel, more ecological). Generates particular solutions , according to projects or geographical areas, separately, and fully adapted to client needs and the market. Achieves it with a Unified Guarantee , providing simple warranty processes, both locally and internationally. It is a diff icult process for the competition to imitate , in the short and medium term, since it is endorsed by our extensive experience and very select international contacts of more than 30 years in "OEM-ODM" manufacturing agreements. Promotes innovative, fully approved, certified quality products , already available worldwide. Allows a business proposal with the greatest differential advantage for the market, since it manages to transform the current relationship between suppliers and clients, into a synergy with a win-win orientation, thus creating a more expeditious path toward environmental sustainability. Allows a business proposal with the greatest differential advantage for the market, since it manages to transform the current relationship between suppliers and clients, into a synergy with a win-win orientation, thus creating a more expeditious path towards environmental sustainability . Let’s Connect! We’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas about applying the Integration Coefficient IC in your business field. Reach out here .


    DON'T LET SOLAR SUPPLIERS PLAY YOU A "FOOL" Information from internationally recognized sources and honesty are the best weapons to let customers trust us. While standard household solar inverters, known as string inverters, connect with multiple solar modules, the benefit of a microinverter is that each panel becomes electrically isolated from every other panel. This means that any fault or reduced power output caused by shadows, dust, bird droppings, or damage that may impact an individual panel has no impact on the power output of its neighboring panels. A solar array using conventional string inverters behaves more like a society, moving as fast as the slowest panel. Microinverters celebrate individualism, and in the case of a solar array, each panel operates at the optimum, unhindered by its fellows. According to the International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) and their publication in September 2021 (posted by the prestigious Research Gate website): “ Performance Comparison of 3kW Residential Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System between Microinverter and String Inverter Topology using System Advisor Model ”, they concluded that the simulation results supported the fact that microinverters outperform the traditional string inverters in both shaded and non-shaded conditions . During their lab tests, the Micro Inverter system produced an annual energy of 4916 kWh in the first year with no shading and 4332 kWh in the first year with shading losses. Meanwhile, the String Inverter system generated an amount of energy of 4763 kWh with no shading and 4286 kWh with shading losses. It does mean that string inverter suppliers see the glass as “Half Fool” (please let us use the term like a “joke” instead of “Full”) to give customers a piece of optimistic information, when in reality the glass is “Half Empty” compared with the results using microinverters. This is one of our solutions to help customers decide about Microinverters vs String Inverters: ON GRID 1KW SOLAR KIT PACKAGED FOR RETAIL, INSTALLERS, AND BUILDERS duly designed and manufactured under our Integration Coefficient IC model. It is a perfect example of how our professional value offer is capable of generating innovative solutions . Want More Insights? Our blog is packed with expert tips and Integration Coefficient IC solutions tailored for your success. Subscribe today!


    WITH OUR INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC BUSINESS MODEL Alvin Toffler was a prominent and successful worldwide advisor to businesses and governments on technological advances, politics, economics, and society. He was a prominent futurist and the proponent of the theory of " The Third Wave Society ." In his theory, Toffler explicitly discussed the role of knowledge and technology in effecting changes, thus shaping the birth of a new type of society. He said: “ The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn " . Over time, the business game has changed from one where money was the most important thing to another where the right knowledge and skills play a bigger, fundamental role. Knowledge and other concepts such as beliefs and character traits are more important. Psychology is now used instead of message repetition . Being smart is no longer about having elite knowledge; it's about being elite at finding the knowledge among a group of other experts and using it for everybody's benefit. It is the ability to see the holes in the game . It is the ability to search for key information and to be in the right places to get the right information at the right time . It is the ability to differentiate ourselves with innovation . There is a new reality where you have to stand out , be different , and capture the attention of the market . Again, this is crucial to avoid making wrong decisions . Now the market is divided between those who can stand out and differentiate themselves with their communication and those who cannot such as the 21st century ‘illiterates’ who have been unable to unlearn and learn again ; those who refuse to eliminate their blind spots and to offer the solutions that will become emotions and feelings in the minds of the benefiting clients, as well as get positive references making the client part of your promotion team. We know how to do it for our solutions based on our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing model which provides Integrated Supply Chains with Unified Guarantee : On-grid , In-grid , and Hybrid solar ki ts, Solar farms , Solar Off-Grid plants , OEM battery projects , Power Quality and Backup , Outdoor LED Lighting and Real Specs solar LED lamps , among others. Ready to relearn more? Don’t wait... Innovate! Discover how the Integration Coefficient IC model can revolutionize your operations. Contact Us today!


    CALEDONIA'S HEART-SHAPED SOLAR FARM Celebrating a Happy Valentine's Day talking about the Caledonia's heart-shaped solar farm by Conergy that can supply enough power to 750 homes, with 2MW power. Furthermore, the design was inspired by the wild mangrove vegetation nearby the locality, known as the “ Heart of Voh ”. The farm has 7,888 solar panels. Besides becoming a landmark locally, the heart shape also has worldwide recognition. The " Coeur de Voh " is an important landmark for the people of New Caledonia, and shows just how extraordinary nature can be. The Heart of New Caledonia solar plant is now its man-made double, a landmark for clean power generation. There’s always been some friction between tech heads and hardcore environmentalists. But technology is too pervasive for even the most radical environmentalists to deny, and climate change is too important for technologists to ignore. Fortunately, reconciliation may be on the horizon. So, whether or not we’re heading into the next industrial “ revolution ”, what we need is an industrial “ evolution ” which means a new and better way to develop emerging technologies so that we’re better adapted for life on this planet. And we need a new breed of conscientious technologists and businesses to lead the way. Also, our Integration Coefficient IC manufacturing and marketing model is breaking barriers to promote examples that dignify this tendency. In short: The line between biology and technology is beginning to blur, and it could mean the beginning of a new industrial "re-evolution" . Everyone has the right to a sustainable future . In recent decades, human development has advanced at the planet's expense. Substantial changes are needed if prosperity is to be achieved for all within the limits of this planet. Therefore, to be the most competitive, it would take to be the best in generating decentralized solutions combined with the empowerment of human well-being overwhelmingly . That is why it is necessary to replace the expression " being more competitive " with words and actions that constitute better survival and profitability strategies, for example, Cooperation , which consists of being able to coexist with other companies in competition scenarios together with efforts of loyalty and collaboration that enhance, rather than diminish, industry value and that maximize customer satisfaction . To know more about this crusade empower your knowledge by getting the tools, resources, and insights you need to thrive with the Integration Coefficient IC model. Sign up now!


    EDUCATIONAL EXPLANATION WITH OUR INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC MODEL What is a Hybrid Solar System? In the same way as the traditional system connected to the grid ( On-Grid or Self-consumption), the solar panels in a hybrid system collect and convert sunlight into DC energy. In the traditional On-Grid system, electricity converted to AC is returned to the grid through central inverters or microinverters , allowing the user to live without batteries, save on their electricity bills, and access electricity from the utility during cloudy days or at night. But in a hybrid solar system, the electricity, both from the AC grid connection and the DC solar panels, is directed to a so-called hybrid inverter-charger , which in turn is connected to a very long-lasting LIFEPO4 battery bank to manage its load, both from DC, with the solar panels, and from AC converted to DC from the utility. Once the battery is fully charged through this process, both, together and separately depending on how the advanced charging system that this inverter-charger has been programmed by software, the excess is channeled through a bidirectional smart meter via net-metering to the network's AC power lines. This allows the user to retain in the batteries a good part of the electricity produced during the day from the sun via solar panels or also from the hybrid inverter-charger, from the AC grid when this is cheaper. This helps to power the AC loads of the place (home, business, or industry) not only during cloudy days or at night but also when there are power outages. As a side note, hybrid solar systems that store energy in a battery while remaining connected to the grid should not be confused with systems that use both, solar and wind energy in parallel, which are also often referred to as solar hybrid systems. It is important to highlight that the name “hybrid” comes, first of all, from the fact that the connected AC load takes energy on a shared basis from all three main elements of this system: the commercial grid, the solar panels, and the battery bank, depending on how the system's operation is set. That is why you can see in the picture attached the 3-color AC line on the side of the connected loads. Secondly, it is also observed that the batteries can be charged from both, the AC energy coming from the utility and converted into DC by the hybrid inverter-charger, as well as from the solar panels. In this case, the arrows point toward the battery bank showing two colors red and green. Finally, the inverter-charger is capable of returning AC energy to the utility in On-Grid mode, through the net metering process, taking DC energy from both, the battery bank and also the solar panels, as seen in the arrows, light and dark red colors, towards the AC external electric pole. This explanation is a perfect example of how our professional value offer can generate more innovative solutions . There is nothing better than showing you the advantages and operation modes of our Hybrid Single and 3-phase Solar Kits pre-packaged for INSTALLERS and BUILDERS, another one of our several solutions offered. This kit was also designed and marketed following our Integration Coefficient IC business model , which supports, one hundred percent, the management and success of our organization in energy saving and sustainability . Be part of the Revolution. Join our growing community of innovators embracing the Integration Coefficient IC model. Subscribe now!


    THE SUNK COST EFFECT The Concorde Fallacy " is a case of "sunk costs". This prodigious and unique aircraft meant large investments by the Anglo-French alliance, and it was decided to move forward despite the constant cost overruns because they did not want to lose work already done and the heavy investment already consumed. Until now, this effect has been related to the following questions: Have you continued with a project long after you should have abandoned it? Have you persevered with a relationship even after the point of no return? Have you dragged yourself to an event in miserable weather just because you already bought the ticket with your hard-earned cash? These are all examples of the “ sunk cost effect ,” which occurs when someone chooses to do or continue something just because they have invested (unrecoverable) resources in it in the past or even because they love the idea, and abandoning it may cause a lot of pain. In modern marketing, this effect may have a deeper meaning. Before, measuring the sunk cost was related to achieving less and less profit in a business; even losing money defending a project that maybe was a “star” initially with significant quota in a market that was still growing exponentially; but now, although the market is still growing, the competition grows more fierce daily and the supply channel is instead yielding less profit with less sales volume. The cause is simple to explain: The meaning of the term "profit" needs to be changed. It is not only money-related anymore . The lack of cooperation between supply chain steps is making them forget the satisfaction of the end users and also forgetting that the real profit is 100% attached to the search for sustainability . So, when companies in renewable energy, like solar, finally understand that end-user satisfaction will be the best way to promote the increment of sales volume towards the main goal which is to reach a sustainable world , then they will be able to avoid this sunk costs effect that is making solar business come off as "dog" products, that do not grow because almost every hour a new competitor appears and companies then get less quota in the market. Our organization is fighting ferociously to set an Integrated Supply Chain through our innovative marketing and manufacturing Integration Coefficient IC model process, which can get factories closer to the end users emulating Collaborative Economy business tendencies, minimizing costs, and making the supply chain more efficient for the promotion of both On-grid , and hybrid solar kits ; OEM battery projects , and Real Specs solar LED lamps , among others solutions . Interested in enhancing your business? We’re ready to help you integrate sustainable solutions into your strategies. Get in touch now!

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