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    CHANGING PARADIGMS WITH THE INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT IC Henry Ford, one of the iconic leaders of the automotive industry, had a unique approach to recruiting team members. Before doing so, he used to share a lunch with the candidates. However, his attention was not on the menu, but on the salt shaker. If the candidate seasoned the food before eating it, Ford would not hire him. The reason behind this curious test? This fact indicated, and also with a high probability of certainty, an inclination of the applicant to execute a plan before testing it. There are many examples of “salting food before eating it” that have already been reviewed in our previous publications such as: the trolley dilemma, the Midas touch, the McNamara fallacy, the Galileo story, the Mandela effect, the myth of Sisyphus, Ockham's razor, the success syndrome, the do something syndrome, the Concorde fallacy, the hammer bias, the Cobra effect and the “piñata” effect, among others. This Ford anecdote, and previous reviews, highlight a fundamental truth: the importance of testing before implementing. In today's era, where information and data are flowing at our fingertips, we can harness the power of experimentation and continuous adaptation. In the business world there is a concept called "The Control" which refers to proven and almost always winning strategies that are constantly reused. However, this is where the Integration Coefficient IC comes into play, breaking “the Control" cycle. The IC is more than a formula; it is a comprehensive approach towards innovation and sustainability. The IC, through the constant support of a digital ecosystem oriented towards the new trend of collaborative economy, advocates the integration of world-renowned top-level factories, for offering a unified guarantee, for solutions that address real needs and adapted to the market and for optimizing the supply chain for maximum efficiency and significant price savings at the consumer level. This approach drives the creation of an experience that goes beyond a simple purchase and promotes feelings and emotions that, when shared between users and their suppliers, allow for continuous growth in sustainability. Following the philosophy of Henry Ford, the Integration Coefficient IC reminds us that true innovation lies in continuous experimentation and constant improvement of what already works. Avoid "Control Bias" (salting food before eating it) that promotes monotony, lack of research and forgetfulness of customer satisfaction. Thus, the Integration Coefficient IC becomes our guide to change paradigms and create a sustainable and promising future. Please Contact Us for more information.


    BRIGHT AND SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SOLAR MARKET An airport, faced with long wait times at baggage claim, invested in traditional solutions to speed up the carousels. They concluded that the costs were prohibitive versus the possibility that users actually felt an improvement as many claims persisted. However, they found that slowing down passengers before reaching baggage claim provided a more cost-effective and successful solution. This brilliant idea improved the customer experience and generated more revenue by encouraging flow through shops, cafeterias and restaurants that greatly increased user satisfaction as well as the airport's profitability. This is the power of the correct questions. In the business world, the art of asking the right questions can make the difference between success and stagnation. Two totally different real cases related to customer satisfaction, a common problem in an airport and market analysis in the solar industry, show us how powerful questions lead to brilliant and sustainable solutions. In the solar market, the key question was: Why are homeowners still dealing with expensive self-consumption solar installations even though solar power is free? The traditional "commodity" approach to supply chain offered no clear competitive advantage. The innovative solution was to integrate international worldwide recognized suppliers into a single project that focused attention on the end customer and environmental sustainability. The Integration Coefficient IC methodology made it possible to significantly reduce the acquisition costs of end customers through the use of digital ecosystems and collaboration between local installers (sharing economy), who accessed volume prices from international providers. In addition, the unified guarantee provided trust and closeness between suppliers and end customers, strengthening the win-win relationship. The ability to ask powerful questions and embrace the Integration Coefficient IC as an innovative approach has led to brilliant and sustainable solutions in different sectors related to the solutions we promote. The key lesson is that customer satisfaction and achieving environmental sustainability should be central goals in business decision making. By promoting personalized, efficient and eco-friendly solutions, we can transform challenges into opportunities and move towards a more sustainable and prosperous future. Please join us in this worldwide initiative.

For International Invoicing and Logistics:

Jaime Ventura Energy Consultant

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